On October 24th, a meeting of management teams and artists of the Erasmus + art for Coexistence project took place in Madrid, at the headquarters of the Fundación Yehudi Menuhin España. The meeting also worked for the encounter of ' art for coexistence ' that will take place a few days later in Bern, Switzerland. ' Art for coexistence ' has a period of 2017 to the year 2020, within an Erasmus + Union project between Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Hungary, Germany and Italy and where they take part in the municipalities of Velilla de San Antonio, Évora, Brussels, Budapest, Berlin and Turin. ' Art for Coexistence ' incorporates city halls, schools, universities and non-profit organizations.

The project aims to create, with European networking work, a space for the exchange of training, good practices, experiences and pedagogical materials, which is not only left in the exchange, but in the creation of models that endure in time, beyond the Experience or people who put it into play. Started in the course 2017-2018, ' Art for coexistence ' does not stop, has its own song, has already held meetings in Velilla de San Antonio and has scheduled appointments for Bern, at the end of this month of October, and Turin at the end of November.