In the framework of the European projects Erasmus + ' in which takes part the foundation Yehudi Menuhin Spain, took place last November 12 a joint action where participated ' Campo dei Miracoli ' and ' art for the coexistence ', the latter with a group coming from Velilla de San Antonio wanted to know and soak up other European projects. We consider it to be an excellent exchange practice.

The coexistence took place in the Retiro Park, in Madrid, and was carried out by Natalia Molina, artist of the FYME, and by Professors Jorge birdie and Félix Labrador (Rey Juan Carlos University), in collaboration with the Fundación Yehudi Menuhin España and by the Velilla de San Antonio town Hall. Jorge Birdie and Félix Labrador made an approach to the historical context and origin of the park of good retirement to the group of Students of 4th to 6th course of the School of Municipal Music of Velilla of San Antonio. The complementary artistic activity, a workshop ' Art workshop camouflages II ' based on the plastic arts, was carried out by Natalia Molina, and was held in the music booth of Good retirement, due to the rain, a very suggestive space. The joint work turned out to be a collaborative creation process with interesting aesthetic results. [Gallery columns = "4" ids = "780,782,784,787"]