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During the last month of February were carried out by the professors of the University Rey Juan Carlos, Raquel Garrido Abia and Miguel Ángel Marcos Calvo, in the CEIP Francisco Tomás y Valiente and the CEIP Valdemera, of Velilla de San Antonio , two sessions with families and teachers where the functioning of the brain in learning was presented. Both schools are representatives of Velilla de San Antonio itself in the Erasmus + Art for coexistence Project, which is part of the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation. In The first talk we wanted to introduce in the concepts and ideas that begin to be considered nowadays keys to understand how the brain of the human being works and learns, how it can improve any learning process and what elements condition and help Improve. This is essential for teachers of any educational stage, but it is equally important for anyone interested in education and learning, whether it is to have their children of school age, or because they simply also It is interesting to know how it works and how it can be improved.

There is a Growing awareness of what factors are involved at the brain level, and what needs to be done to try to optimize them. Studies of brain knowledge, how we learn, how our lives are managed, and what role emotions have in this process, are becoming more and more numerous. In this line, any parent wants their children to acquire the knowledge they will need for their daily lives, and not only that, they acquire organizational capacities, impulse management, emotional control, or goal-setting. Hence the importance of knowing where all these higher functions lie, and what happens when some of them are not sufficiently developed. We All learn, so anyone should be able to know a little better how the brain, attention, or memory works, and what mechanisms may fail, to acquire a higher level of well-being. Program

  • Why study the brain?
  • A little bit of brain architecture. Beginning to understand the brain.
  • Do cognitive abilities depend on our genes?
  • Emotion and Reason
  • Mirror Neurons
  • Memory
  • Social Brain
  • Executive Functions
  • Emotional Brain
  • Emotions and Learning
  • What happens to our expectations?
  • Neuroscience, Neuroeducation and Neurodidactics
  • The Motivation
  • How to enhance learning
  • Are There Any different brains?