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In the last quarter of 2018, the Erasmus Plus project ' Art for Coexistence ', which is part of the Fundación Yehudi Menuhin España, held two meetings in Bern (Switzerland) and Turin (Italy). And both appointments have earned the attention of the Italian press. Specifically, the newsletter of the Associazione MUS-e Torino Onlus echoed both the Erasmus + ' art for coexistence ' meeting in Bern, which also served to commemorate the 25 years of the Mus-e program in Switzerland, and which took place in October, as the meeting International Project Erasmus + ' art for Coexistence ' in Turin, which was developed in November. Financed by MOVETIA (Erasmus + Switzerland), the meeting of the Erasmus + ' Art for Coexistence ' programme in Bern had the presence and participation of Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Belgian, Italian, German and Swiss partners. Visits were made to Berne and Oberdissbach centres, as well as a specific presentation on activities and exchanges to be carried out during 2018-2019. The FYME, in the figure of Antonio Merino, made a presentation to various Swiss institutions of the work that anivel European, with the economic support of the different Erasmus + agencies (in particular SEPIE). Together with this, there was a meeting of the various MUS-E European associations and foundations to study new lines of work in the field of training. More information about this meeting, here. And to read the news of Associazione MUS-E Torino Onlus about it, click here. With regard to the appointment of Turin, the Spanish part of the project was represented by the CEIP Valdemera, the CEIP Francisco Tomás y Valiente, the town hall of Velilla de San Antonio, the university Rey Juan Carlos and the Fundación Yehudi Menuhin España. The meeting began at the Turin City Council, with a warm welcome from the councillor of Culture and the president of MUS-E Turin, and has continued with visits to the Turin schools that are part of the project, apart from numerous activities Additional, such as that made with the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts. More information about this meeting, here. And to read the news of Associazione MUS-E Torino Onlus about it, click here.