The last 28th, 29th and 30th of October, in the Swiss city of Bern took place the Erasmus + ' Art for Coexistence ' project, an event that was accompanied by the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the MUS-E program in Switzerland.
' Art for Coexistence '
Financed by MOVETIA (Erasmus + Switzerland), the meeting of the Erasmus + ' Art for Coexistence ' programme was attended by the Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Belgian, Italian, German and Swiss partners. Visits were made to Berne and Oberdissbach centres, as well as a specific presentation on activities and exchanges to be carried out during 2018-2019.

The FYME, in the figure of Antonio Merino, made a presentation to various Swiss institutions of the work that anivel European, with the economic support of the different Erasmus + agencies (in particular SEPIE). Together with this, there was a meeting of the various MUS-E European associations and foundations to study new lines of work in the field of training.
25 years of MUS-E in Switzerland
Also during these dates of the 28th, 29th and 30th of October, the 25th anniversary of the MUS-E program was commemorated in Switzerland. And the festivities counted on two very special appointments, such as the realization of a concert carried out by Jeremy Menuhin (son of Yehudi Menuhin) and by Mookie Lee-Menuhin, in which pieces of Mozart, Brahms, Lutoslawsky and Jeremy Menuhin were interpreted. , and the publication of a Zeichen setzen a book by Werner Schmitt, co-creator of the MUS-E program together with Yehudi Menuhin. [Gallery columns = "2" size = "Medium" ids = "745,746"]