[Et_pb_section fb_built = "1" admin_label = "section" _ Builder_version = "3.0.47"] [Et_pb_row Admin_label = "Row" _ Builder_version = "3.0.47" background_size = "initial" background_position = "top_left" background_repeat = "repeat"] [Et_pb_column type = "4_4" _ Builder_version = "3.0.47" parallax = "off" Parallax_method = "on"] [Et_pb_text Admin_label = "text" _ Builder_version = "3.0.47" background_size = "initial" background_position = "top_left" background_repeat = "repeat"] [/et_pb_text] [/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [Et_pb_row _ Builder_version = "3.0.106"] [Et_pb_column type = "4_4" _ Builder_version = "3.0.106" parallax = "off" Parallax_method = "on"] [Et_pb_post_title _ Builder_version = "3.0.106"] [/et_pb_post_title] [/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [Et_pb_row _ Builder_version = "3.0.106"] [Et_pb_column type = "4_4" _ Builder_version = "3.0.106" parallax = "off" Parallax_method = "on"] [Et_pb_text _ Builder_version = "3.0.106"] On 24 January, the first coordination meeting of the Art for coexistence project, framed within the Erasmus + programme, was held at the headquarters of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, located in Brussels, Belgium, and was attended by the National coordinators from all participating countries: Spain, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Belgium. Antonio Merino collators, representing the Fundación Yehudi Menuhin España (coordinating entity of the project) explained the following characteristics of the project:
- Priorities, objectives and results of the project.
- Participating partners and coordination between partners at national and international level.
- Activities to be developed during the life of the project, schedule of actions and budgets for each participating national grouping.
- Dissemination and dissemination actions at the municipal, national and international levels.
- Creating a Web space: partner needs and web structure.
- Actions of future sustainability of the project.
- Intellectual products to be developed: Methodological document, evaluation report and audiovisual materials of good practice.
- Pedagogical materials of the project: Programmations Art for coexistence and monitoring reports
- Elaboration and signing of bilateral contracts of all the partners with the coordinating entity.
From this meeting all the national partners will carry out their corresponding national coordination meetings and immediately begin the activities with children, families and teachers reflected in the text delivered to the SEPIE. At the end of the meeting, the FYME held bilateral meetings with the various national coordinating bodies for those specific consultations that could not be resolved during the morning meeting. [/et_pb_text] [/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [Et_pb_row _ Builder_version = "3.0.106"] [Et_pb_column type = "4_4" _ Builder_version = "3.0.106" parallax = "off" Parallax_method = "on"]