The importance of a transnational project
It is essential to carry out this type of project thanks to the ERASMUS + call, in order to generate meeting spaces within the European framework.
Art for coexistence incorporates town halls, schools, universities and NGOs and explores innovative tools with students at risk of exclusion from 6 municipalities, incorporating new educational strategies.
Find spaces for exchange (training, experiences and materials), which allow the creation of models that endure over time, beyond the experience or people who put it in motion.
The project wants to enhance the democratic coexistence of those who come from different cultures, live in our cities, from the inclusion of all as participatory agents, including teacher training and direct work with students and families, from an intersectoral perspective.
Proposes the acquisition of new methodologies, from neuroscience to MUS-E methodology that encourage imagination, creativity and entrepreneurship to improve coexistence, motivation for learning and the creation of European citizenship and the acquisition of skills with their own teachers to internalize the methodology and implement it from the experimentation.
The project includes the practices of each of the participating organizations, and unites and develops a European model of joint intervention that strengthens the European dimension and will allow the permanent implementation of educational keys of success that will last over time, so that they can be subsequently implemented. in other European entities.