During the 24th, 25th and 26th of March, the V Meeting was held Erasmus + ' Art for Coexistence ', which took place in Berlin. ' Art for coexistence ' has the participation of Fundación Yehudi Menuhin España and for this appointment the Spanish delegation is made up of people from the University Rey Juan Carlos, the City of Velilla de San Antonio, represented by its mayor and the Councillor for Education and Culture, together with artists and educational centers participating in the Project and people of the Foundation Yehudi Menuhin Spain to form a group of thirteen people. The meeting began on March 24th, at 13:45 hours when the Spanish delegation met with the other participating countries. The event took place at the entrance of the Pfefferberg Foundation, where a small presentation and a tour of this space of art and culture took place.

After that, the more than 40 attendees formally started the V Encuentro Erasmus + ' Art for coexistence ' Project at the Metropolitan Laboratory of the same Pfefferberg Foundation. There, the presentation of MUS-E Germany was held by Anja Mueller, and the Welcome of Werner Schmitt, its president. The Project was then passed to the evaluation of the work carried out in the Draft, following the guidelines that were marked. A work that was coordinated by Antonio Merino de la FYME and in which a critical review of the fact and the slope was carried out. Thus, it was valued that there is an excellent work behind, but that has not been documented enough. Once again we insist that what is not seen does not exist and we must be able to show and upload to the Project website the work carried out in exchange between the different countries. Good exchange practices were then presented by Patries, Belgium and Laura, from Spain. Then Came the work of Germany (Koko) and a workshop was held in which we all participate, very actively. The important Thing is to generate these spaces of encounter and exchange that make us generate common workspaces.

Already on Monday 25th we started at work at 9:00 hours in the morning at the Kurt-Tucholsky Institute, elementary School, where we received with a greeting in the language of each of the countries of the delegation at the door of the school. His director received US and introduced us to the school, the sociological characteristics of the neighborhood and the type of students and we made a visit to the facilities, where we could share between us and with professors of the center. Later Choir students presented us with several songs and two dance workshops were held. One made by a German artist, Koko, and the other by a Spanish artist Laura, where children, together with professors and representatives from the different countries of the projects, went on to action and interacted with the boys and girls. We could Not take pictures for the data protection of minors but we hope shortly to have the video that the center will happen to us where this exchange is collected.
- You may Also be interested: V meeting of the Erasmus Project + ' Art for Coexistence ': Tour of the Spanish expedition in Berlin.
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